Research TeamCurrent

Boaz Hadas
Photo of Boaz Hadas
Teachers’ Assessment Knowledge
"Teachers’ Knowledge and Perceptions Towards Teaching and Assessment in an Online Environment"

Boaz Hadas is a PhD graduate student at the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. In 1996 Boaz graduated with excellence, receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 1999 Boaz completed an MSc degree at the Department of Physical Chemistry of the Hebrew University. Boaz’s research topic was Time Resolved Mass Spectrometry using a Reflectron TOF MS combined with a Quadrupole Ion Trap of Fullerenes, Polyaromatic Carbohydrates & short Peptides. The technique allows studying unimolecular reactions of Gas phase Ions & measuring unimolecular rate constants.

In 2006, Boaz received a teaching diploma in Chemistry, by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and has been a high school chemistry teacher during the last 20 years. Boaz received an honorary award of the Israel Chemical Society in 2012, as a young excellent chemistry teacher. In the recent years, has performed various roles mentoring chemistry teachers, novice teachers & leading a community of chemistry teachers of the Tel-Aviv district.

Today Boaz’s research, under the supervision of Prof. Yehudit Dori, focuses on Teachers’ perception and types of knowledge, by analyzing online assessment tasks, developed by the teachers. Boaz lead a course for first year (after apprenticeship) STEM teachers of the Technion’s STEM Novice Teachers’ Induction and Mentors unit during 2020-2022. Nowadays he is a coordinator of the Leading teachers’ Community (LTC) in the network of Professional Learning communities (PLCs) for chemistry teachers in northern Israel.
