Or Shav-Artza has received the Kaplan Award


The Kaplan Prize was awarded to Mr. Or Shav-Artza for his deep commitment to the education system.
Or, a doctoral student under the supervision of Professor Dori Yehudit, delivered a lecture at the award ceremony, which its topic: Students and Graduates of the Atidim IDF Programs: Career Choice, Retention, and Narrowing the Socio- Economic Gap.

Mr. Eyal Kaplan awards the Kaplan Prize to outstanding students in the Faculty of Science and Technology. The prize has been awarded annually since 2004.

The ceremony was held on April 24th, 2022 at the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology at the Technion.

מר אור שב ארצה בקבלת פרס קפלן לשנת תשפ״במר אור שב ארצה בקבלת פרס קפלן לשנת תשפ״בתמונה מתוך ההרצאה של מר אור שב-ארצה: מהי תוכנית עתידים בצה״ל?